2. Why Cooperate With I.T. Companies2.1. The disadvantageous situation for Coca-Cola. With time going, Coca-Cola now seems somehow not very fashionable. There are only a few tastes which more or less are the same for customers to choose from. However, its competitors such as Pepsi, Jianlibao and Nongfu Spring have offered a lot of new drinks with varieties of tastes and functions. For example, Kang Shifu, a very large Chinese food and drink producer, has produced some tea drinks, which suit Chinese peoples taste very much.
And during these years, the market of carbonated drink in China was in recession. The sales volume of carbonated drink within the first ten months in 2004 in Shanghai has decreased by 13.4%, compared with the sales volume in the same period of the year before. With a large share of Chinese drink market, Coca-Cola were certainly attacked.
On the other hand, the traditional ways of advertisement such as news papers advertisements, hoardings, TV shows, are unable to communicate with customers adequately. Their abilities to attract the youth have decreased as the youth are now more dependent on the Internet. Furthermore, the competitors of Coca-Cola such as Pepsi can also use these traditional ways to promote.
To improve this situation, Coca-Cola needs to find new ways to enhance their brand as
Bibliography: http://www.duke.edu/~gwc/gbcoke.htmhttp://www.cokeamp3.com.sg/home/http://www.marketingprofs.com/ea/qst_question.asp?qstID=3527http://research.moore.sc.edu/Research/studies/China/ch_execsum.htmhttp://www.danwei.org/media_and_advertising/world_of_warcraft_she_and_coke.phphttp://www.gamesetwatch.com/2006/07/chinajoy_world_of_warcraft_coc.php