First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Allah the Almighty for giving me the opportunity to perform and successfully completing the term paper.
I acknowledge my heartiest due to our honorable course instructor Md. Khairul Islam, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Studies, Dhaka International University for giving me the opportunity to carry out this report. His valuable advice and guideline helped me a lot in preparing this report successfully. Otherwise the task of preparing this report would have been harder in part.
Secondly, I like to convey my gratitude and thanks to the Personnel of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for providing me the required data, support and suggestions regarding this Report.
Executive Summary
This report details about a leading Pharmaceutical company of Bangladesh named Incepta Pharmaceuticals. The report outlines the background of the company with the production and marketing practices. Incepta Pharmaceuticals is one of the renowned companies in Bangladesh. It starts it work from 1999 and till the company is in the leading position. The company has a clear vision and its mission is to fulfill their vision. The company has level of management and these different level managers work together to improve the present condition of the company. Incepta produces various kinds of medicines and now the company is exporting medicines to 35 countries. Incepta also maintain their social responsibilities for the betterment of Bangladesh.
Objectives of the Report
The main objectives of the study are to learn how to prepare a report. Our honorable course teacher assigns us to prepare this report so that in the job market we can perform effectively and efficiently and also enlighten the goodwill of our university as well as our teachers. Other objectives of this report are: • To share the lesson learns. • To inform about the