Introduction of Publication. ELLE is a fashion magazine that began in France in 1945 when sellers were transitioning from the sales-oriented era into the market-oriented era, which is characterized by marketing based on a determined target market and focusing on what consumers want and need. Adhering to this prevailing notion of the time, ELLE’s aspiration to advise females of the latest trends in fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and relationships has satisfied many women’s needs and wants by inspiring them to begin a new life after World War II. Targeted User Profile and Audience Dimensions. ELLE employs a unique mix of all four segmentation techniques, namely geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioural segmentation. Geographically, ELLE segments their market nationally, distributing different issues in different countries to account for the variation in fashion sense and consumer behaviour. In fact, it is currently the largest fashion magazine, with 39 international editions in 60 countries. With respect to demographics, ELLE’s readers are composed of 90% females and the median age of all readers is 33.2, with approximately 54% ranging from ages 18 to 34 and 52% from 25 to 49. This indicates that ELLE’s target market consists mostly of middle-aged women and less of teenagers, as is evidenced throughout the magazine which is dominated by clothing advertisements with mature styles and through the “ELLE Beauty Anti-Aging” section of the magazine. ELLE targets female audiences with photographs of beautiful female models in fashionable clothes and make-ups, and also with features such as ELLE Shops, ELLE Beauty, ELLE Fashion, and ELLE Fitness. Moreover, ELLE’s readers are high income earners with a median HHI of $71, 894 and 47.7% of readers have incomes higher than $75,000. The number of employed readers forms 68.4% of ELLE’S total readers, corresponding to the large proportion of high income earners. As Robbie…