Final Research Proposal
TOPIC: Marketing’s role in the publishing industry: the new place for the e-books
1. Introduction
For the past five thousand years, the History of mankind has been saved and remembered thanks to the paper. Since around 3400 BCE, the ancient Sumer of Mesopotamia created the first letters recognized nowadays as the precursor of the writing.
Therefore, human beings used to always look at books and former writings to learn about their ancestors or even novels in order to distract themselves. Later, in 1450, Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press that started the Golden Age of the Literature and saw the birth of the Publishing Industry. As we know it, for the past five centuries, physical books where the only way to read novels, to instruct ourselves and to pass on the future generations. But with the explosion of the web in the years 2000, the civilization has entered a new era for men, the digital era.
As everything is now going digital despite physical, the Publishing Industry was one of the latest market that hasn’t been involved in those major changings. The film industry, the music industry, the Press Industry and many others had to adapt themselves to this new way of consumption in order to survive and the Publishing Industry will not be spared as well (Nunberg, 1996). As an answer to this new way to consume, the e-book was designed to allow its users to carry thousand of book in only one small tablet, usually fitting in a pocket.
But with the world is changing as fast as it is nowadays, the Publishing Industry may not be quick enough to launch and assess e-books position in every day’s life. Therefore, in order not to enter in a terrible crisis period as many others sectors are currently facing, the Publishing Industry has to save itself through the e-books. The only way the mind could be changed quick enough regarding will be to rely completely on the marketing and its huge
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