Cited: Casias, Maria. "Folk Tale." Center for Southern Folklore - Home. 14 Feb. 2005. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. .…
Bernal Diaz de Castillo wrote about a quest that he was fortunate enough to participate with his soldier leader, Hernan Cortes. Hernan Cortes and his soldiers went on many different expeditions in order to expand their knowledge on the unknown world. Bernal Diaz de Castillo did not hold any type of leadership within his community; however, he was intelligent enough to know a new world apart from an old one. The New Spain that Castillo and his conquest mates experienced eventually led to the publication of his memoirs and witnessing experience.…
I was soon relieved from this guard, and with those who were able, of our two regiments, sent to reinforce those in the fort [Mifflin], which was then besieged by the British. Here I endured hardships sufficient to kill half a dozen horses. Let the reader only consider for a moment and he will still be satisfied if not sickened. In the cold month of November, without…
I entered the barn and began speaking to each horse and calling them by name. I was here for a special horse that had captured by tough heart. As I approached the bay colored, long legged gelding with a white diamond straight down his face my heart began to beat loudly. His name is Wolfe and I believe he heard my heart as he instantly began to nod frantically up and down.…
While on patrol, I was dispatched to the main entrance for a Veteran acting unusual. Upon arrive Ofc Montejano had already made contact with Veteran Sean Ridley. I came round through the canteen just out of sight of Ridley, so as not to agitate him more. I observed Ridley become ever agitated towards Ofc Montejano when he try to explain to Ridley why we were there. Ridley told stated to Ofc Montejano that he has an appointment and he going to make it to his appointment. Ofc Montejano stated “We are not going to stop you from going to your appointment. Ridley stated “I fucking hate you cops”. “Leave me along and let me go to my fucking appointment”.…
Horses and cowboys have, in many ways, changed the history of the West. “Horses are inextricably linked to the mythic cowboy within the national symbolic. More so even than the cow or the gun, the horse defines the cowboy’s status as sacred, special, and uniquely American” (Spurgeon, 89). Without what the Plain Indians called “sky dogs”, the west would not have been conquered. In fact, horses have played a major role in the evolution of civilization. From Alexander the Great conquering Macedonian horsemen, to Genghis Khan, to Napoleon, horses have always played an integral part of history. Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses is a coming of age story of John Grady Cole who dreams of the mythical west that we have all come to know and love. He himself is a modern recreation of the mythical horsemen that have circled the imagination of all young boys for centuries. John Grady was born a horseman and has the soul of a horseman. He has been “born to sit and ride a horse” (Lincoln, 102). Through the studying of the significance of the horse and its spirit, John Grady Cole, the main character in McCarthy’s novel, can be better understood and appreciated.…
I opened my eyes. They felt heavy and my head throbbed. I was covered with beads of sweat. I stood up and the world seemed to turn. I was dizzy. I looked around and saw the unfamiliar view. Where am I? People with colorful costumes and masks were surrounding me. There were parade floats everywhere. Then, puzzle pieces began to form in my head. I was in the carnival.…
“Young Goodman Brown” and “My Kinsman, Major Molineux” are stories of young men on journeys that are both real and allegorical. I have found that studying the two together can be helpful in gaining a better understanding of Hawthorne. To lighten your writing load, I am only requiring that you answer ONE set of questions; however, I want you to conclude your writing assignment with a paragraph that compares/contrasts the two stories.…
“crammed into cattle trains by Hungarian police, they wept bitterly. We stood on the platform and wept too. The train disappeared on the horizon; it left nothing behind but its thick, dirty smoke.” (3)…
“Come on Marchael , we should go to the sit-ins everybody else is doing it.” I said, “you know I don’t like being called Marchael, Annabeth,” said Marky tauntingly. I never liked my name so I always had people call me ‘Ann’ or ‘Anna’ instead ,but Marky used my name just to annoy me. Michael or Marky as he went by, and I have been best friends since 1st grade. He stole my apple and I hit him are teacher made us talk about our feelings and we’ve been buddies ever since.…
On the day of January 12, farmers and children from all over the nebraska territory believed that that day was going to be warm and enjoyable compared to the previous days. From the early morning, farmers were up carrying out chores and duties that were post poned due to the weather. They were all very confident that the day would be a glorious day, wearing nothing but mere under clothing. Children rushed to schools that were miles away without jackets, gloves, or scarves. As famers were working miles away at distant farms and praries watering crops or tending to livestock, they would have little to no warning for what was to come that afternoon. Around mid day, the mild sky would so suddenly turn into.a nightmare, cathing all in the vast area extremely off guard. with the wicked winds and ice crystals rolling in, victoms had no time to react. If only those individuals had been fore warned, the death toll would be at a guarenteed low.…
The dust gray campfire smoke elevated high in the pig pink sky. The damp, dense dew floated across the old meadow. Out of the morning dew, suddenly appears a dark chocolate brown mustang with a coal black mane. The Indians who had just left the campfire say a mysterious legend had occurred on the meadow. Whoever left a campfire still smoking with apples and carrots, would cause the wonderful Martha Mustang to appear out of the dew and enjoyably eat the food. Then after it would eat, it would grant you good luck. But, if you spied on it, you would have bad luck for you and your tribe.…
I decided to write a short story about Feed by MT Anderson, it is an event that might’ve…
Growing up, I was never that girl that fantasized about becoming a princess and meeting that special prince that would sweep me off my feet and save me from all misery. Even sorcery books such as the Harry Potter series did not appeal to me. I did not believe in any of that quirky fantasy land stuff so the idea of being dragged to the Michigan Renaissance Festival with my family over Labor Day weekend did not appeal to me; I would have much rather been out having fun in the sun barbequing with friends just as any other American typically celebrates the holiday. Staring out the car window all I saw was cornfields and the occasional Ma and Pa family owned restaurant or ice cream parlor. Mt. Holly came into view a little further down the road, but the slopes were dry and scarce due to it being summer. Tucked behind all the forestation was a small fairground where police orderly directed cars into the lot. The parking lot, overwhelmingly large in size, branched in two directions. One led to a general area and the other took cars single file down a long and winding path. This brought butterflies to my stomach. License plates were country wide varying from fellow Michiganders to visiting guests from neighboring states such as Indiana and Ohio and some traveling from as far away as Florida or Kansas. Once we secured our designated spot and our legs were fully stretched after sitting stationary for the hour drive we merged with the herd of people and marched together through the forest to discover this new unknown world.…
In the book The Norton Anthology-American Literature there are two voyages that are writen about by Christopher Columbus. I will compare the two and explaine some of the contrasts between the two. As they are two very different voyages, 10 years apart, Columbus has emotions and experiences that separate the two. From a free man to a man in bondage.…