He views the Africans within the trees with immense pity and concern. He is disgusted at their treatment but is apathetic as well since he does nothing other than offer a dried biscuit to a waning boy. Marlow/Conrad then make a comparison to the discarded machinery when he first arrives and the discarded natives.
2. What impression does the Accountant make on Marlow? How does Marlow’s description of the Accountant contrast with his descriptions of the Africans he has encountered? What effect does this contrast have on readers?
He views the accountant as a frivolous, …show more content…
How does the Accountant maintain his appearance? What does the Accountant insinuate (or communicate without actually stating it)?
He has forced a slave to learn how to properly launder is clothing meticulously. The Account insinuates that civilized people are clean and better than everyone else. He uses his clothes as a power symbol and as a way to proclaim his purity/innocence.
4. What is the Accountant’s attitude towards Kurtz?
He is a “very remarkable person” pg. 74 and that he is what everyone should strive to be. All glowing terms of endearment.
5. How does the Accountant’s attitude towards the man who is dying in his hut affect readers’ impressions of him?
He comes off as pompous, callous, and crass. There is no pity or conscience to the man and he is very selfish.
6. What feeling does the Station Manager inspire in Marlow? To Marlow, what seems to be the Station Manager’s best qualification for his job?
He inspires disgust and loathing. He does not approve of his perverse treatment of the African slaves and his abuse of power. He seemed to know the right people.
7. During his talk with the Brick maker, Marlow realizes that the man is pumping him for information about Company politics. What aspects of characterization (details, images, diction) does Conrad use to make Marlow’s skepticism …show more content…
In addition, the brick maker is also drinking during the conversation.
8. How does the Brick maker characterize Kurtz? How does this characterization compare to what others have said about Kurtz?
He describes him as an “emissary of pity” but with a scathing tone. He also views him as strict and known to follow the rules. Kurtz is one of the “gang of virtue” who is coming to “save’ Africa but the brick maker thinks that is a farce. Others have only talked about Kurtz with reverence.
9. On occasion, a night-roaming hippo comes ashore and the pilgrims empty their rifles into it to no effect. What do their actions convey about the pilgrims? What could the hippo symbolize?
There is a parallel being made between the hippo and the Africans. There is also a significant portion of Irony in the fact that the pilgrims are there to “help” the people and they should be peaceful pacifists but instead they are brutally attacking a hippo that is not bothering the settlement. Their actions against the hippo transfer to their treatment of the