A Research Paper
Submitted to Professor Chara
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course COUN 501
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Lynetric Rivers
October 15, 2010
Lynchburg, Virginia
This paper will explore the foundation of marriage/couple and family therapy. Also we will delve into aspects of relationships that will include anger, and forgiveness, communication, boundaries, spirituality and resolving conflict. By exploring the foundations of marriage/couple and family therapy we can reveal various ways to better counsel not only intellectually but spiritually as well. Always keeping God as the foundation and author of our therapeutic sessions …show more content…
As the years have passed there have been many theories associated with family/marriage counseling. “Much of the practice of couples and family therapy rests on the foundation of systems theory which views psychological problems.” (Corey, Schneider-Corey, & Callanan, 2011) By identifying the difference in individual and family/marriage counseling there can be a more comprehensive, didactic therapeutic process. By building healthy marriages, and families we build a better community. “By counseling couples, families, or individuals, marriage and family therapists can tackle a host of problems: adult schizophrenia, substance abuse, anorexia, and marital conflict. Today, marriage and family therapy are considered a "core" mental-health profession, alongside social work, psychiatric nursing, psychology, and …show more content…
Resolving conflict involves a skill that not everyone possesses. It is the responsibility of the Christian counselor to assist the couple or family to acquire these skills in order to resolve issues in a beneficial method. “Parents must listen and observe what is happening in their teenagers’ lives. This will build a bridge of trust and communication for just about anything.” (Pipes & Lee, 2008, p. 48). Families that learn this are better equip to process problems and thus able to transition this skill into other areas of their lives. When focusing on couples Christian counselors can train the couple on resolving differences in love. Everett Worthington teaches the use of LOVE Acrostic. “L, O and E stand for skills; L for listening and repeating, O for observing your effects and E for evaluating both partners’ interests V stands for the principle of value your partner.” (1999, p. 178). God loves and created the family and He created marriage, and wants peace within the family structure and marriage. “Many people marry to avoid or escape unpleasantness. But no matter (Parrott & Parrott, 2006, p. 28) how glorious the institution of marriage it is not a substitute for the difficult work of inner spiritual