Marriage is a latin word which mean to connect two opposite sexes for the basic human needs. There are two types of sexual relationship, one is matting, the other is marriage.The former is commonly exist among animals and the later is among men and women.we may say that animal mates’ but man marries.Mating is biological but marriage is social affair.It means that marriage is a socially sanctionted union of one or more men with one or more women in the relationship of husband and wife.On the other hand matting is between unmarried couples and is not approved by many societies.
Therefore marriage is a legalized relationship but the sexual relation is consider only a part of marriage.It has many causes for example, the legitimacy of children, economic security ect.
Marriage is socially recognized universal institution and all most found in every society .Marriage is a social union between a man and woman, which is approved socially and religiously.It is such a stable relation in which a man and woman are socially permitted to have children, implying the rights of sexual relation.It is an approved way for the procreation of children and satisfaction of sex.
There are different ways of marriage in different societies. Some societies allow a man to marry only one woman. Some societies allow a male to have more then one wife and vise versa. In some societies a group of male marries a group of female, while in some societies the parents arrange the marriage while in other the male and female arrange their marriage by their self.
Various authors have defined marriage differently. Some of the important definitions are as below.
Waster Mark ;
“as a relation of one or more men to one are more women, which is recognized by custom law and involves certain rights and duties both in case of the parties entering the union in case of the of the children of it.
Dr.majundar D.N & T.W Madan;
Marriage involves the social