Same sex marriage is one of the most controversial trends that appear in the world today. In today’s society most of us are taught that a marriage should be a union between a man and a woman, as well as, same sex relationships being a sin because it is looked down upon by God. Despite the criticism of gay marriage many states such as Massachusetts, California, New York, and Oregon have made same sex marriage legal. In the fight for gay marriage political essay such as “Gay “Marriage”: Societal Suicide” by Charles Colson and “What’s Wrong with Gay Marriage?” by Kath Pollitt were inspired. In these essays both writers have different points of views, but they are also both very persuasive on what’s right and wrong with same sex marriage along with supporting points.
Same sex marriage is one of the most controversial trends that appear in the world today. In today’s society most of us are taught that a marriage should be a union between a man and a woman, as well as, same sex relationships being a sin because it is looked down upon by God. Despite the criticism of gay marriage many states such as Massachusetts, California, New York, and Oregon have made same sex marriage legal. In the fight for gay