Cultural, gender, religious and racial peculiarities can either impede or enhance effective human communication and understanding. According to Chinua Achebe, “Marriage is a Private Affair”. We may ask what is marriage? It may be defined in many ways Prof. Makoine in his guideline sheet defines it interactively as “wedlock/ relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other as husband and wife with or without legal sanction.” According to the same definition a private affair is “exclusive/ belonging to a particular person or group event or happening.” Marriage is fundamental ,it's a private affair, the author tries to show that marriage means different things in the different cultures also marriage and private are interchangeable it mean two or more people get into contract, whereas in some culture it also a unity establish between two or more people. Marriage is an exclusive event that happen between two people. According to the writer, he does not exclude the family out of the process of marriage but he concludes that whatever decision we make it is considered to be private affair which has to be between people that sign the contract. The two people involved take responsibility for the outcome of their decision. So as the saying goes, “marriage is for better for worse”
What are other original and contemporary definitions of marriage? The original concept as religiously depicted both in Islam and Christianity is that marriage is a bond between a man and a woman, where both become one. There is an exchange of dowry for security and goodwill. The Webster's New Pocket dictionary defines marriage as the “married life”, and marry as “join as husband and wife, 2. take as spouse and 3. unite”. The implications of such definitions is that there is a dichotomy in meanings culturally, racially and religiously. The concept of privacy of marriage can be read in many ways: it could mean