Contrasting the happy, in love, almost married couple is a single man opposite to the in the picture along with his cat close by to him. It is said that as a symbol cats are the premiere of becoming independent (i.e. cat ladies). In the background you also find a single, red rose placed in front of the bright window pane. Red roses show love, beauty, courage among other things, but specifically a single red rose means “I love you”. This is important because you have both sunshine, which is a bright symbol and a single red rose, exemplifying love in the painting. Overall this painting uses a brilliant focal point, with subtle hints using symbols of love and happiness paired against a dark background to exaggerate those
Contrasting the happy, in love, almost married couple is a single man opposite to the in the picture along with his cat close by to him. It is said that as a symbol cats are the premiere of becoming independent (i.e. cat ladies). In the background you also find a single, red rose placed in front of the bright window pane. Red roses show love, beauty, courage among other things, but specifically a single red rose means “I love you”. This is important because you have both sunshine, which is a bright symbol and a single red rose, exemplifying love in the painting. Overall this painting uses a brilliant focal point, with subtle hints using symbols of love and happiness paired against a dark background to exaggerate those