It is very debatable whether Malcolm X or Martin Luther King achieved more for Black Americans, as Malcolm X used peace to help out with the division yet Martin Luther King used violence. They both said to help end the division between African Americans and White Americans. They both succeeded in two completely different ways.
Malcolm X
Malcolm X was seen as a positive move towards helping African Americans. One way this is seen is when there was an interview with Malcolm X by Dr Kenneth Clark on Monday 24th June 1963 when Malcolm X said “The black people in this country have been the victim of violence at the hand of a white …show more content…
By the late 1990’s, even the US government recognised the influence of Malcom X. On January 20th 1999 about 1,500 officials, celebrities and guests crowded into Harlem’s Apollo Theatre to mark the first Malcom X postage stamp
In the days after Malcom X was assassinated, it became clear how polarized opinion had become about his role in gaining rights for African Americans. Those who supported him read the “Autobiography of Malcom X” published in 1965 and became more dedicated towards him and the role he played.
By 2002 there were 930 books, 360 films and 350 sound recordings about Malcom X and he became a national icon for lots of African Americans. There is even a college named after him, ‘Malcolm X College‘, in Chicago. It was originally called Theodore Herzl Junior College but in 1969, the school renamed in honour of the civils right act.
On the other hand he was seen as a negative person when it came to the role of the civil rights movement as those who supported Martin Luther King wanted violence, not peace to end the civil rights act. Malcolm X was debating for peace not