
Martin Luther King's Argument Against Bullying Legislation In 49 States

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49 states have an anti-bullying legislation, but do we need to look more closely at who is being targeted for bullying. About 82 percent of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) students have reported being victims of one type of bullying or another. How is this possible when 49 states have an anti-bullying legislation? Martin Luther King Jr. once asked “When will you be satisfied?” (King, p. 49). (Thesis) When looking at the injustices for student’s sexuality in America, we can never be satisfied as long as these students in America are being tormented due to their sexual orientation.
How is fighting for a quality education difficult when being bullied? Bully can affect a person physically and mentally. Students who have been bullied are usually terrified at school, where they shouldn’t. This is where fighting for a quality education comes in play. This is why we can never be satisfied, because of the injustices for students to be bullied due to their sexual orientation. Students should not be mistreated for being who or what they are. LGBT students who fear school due to bullying do not receive the same education as every other student who is not bullied. In “Once Upon a Time,” the
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In case if you are wondering, it does matter. The real question is when will these students feel free and confident enough to be proud walking around for who they are. In “I Have a Dream,” Martin Luther King Jr. really expresses something in related matter. “Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.” (King p. 49). It is time to change how America lives and act around LGBT students. They should no longer be discriminated as the blacks were discriminated before, as King mentions in his famous speech. As King said, now is the time to keep our promises of a free-discriminated nation. Now is the time to prevent LGBT student’s to feel worthless as African American’s once did. Now is the time to do something about

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