He ordered the monk to pursue an academic career. In 1507 Luther was ordained to the priesthood. In 1508, he began teaching theology at the University of Wittenberg. Luther earned his Bachelor 's degree in Biblical Studies on 9 March 1508 and a Bachelor 's degree in 1509. On 19 October 1512, the University of Wittenberg conferred upon Martin Luther the degree of Doctor of Theology (The Economist 2011.) The demands of study for academic degrees and preparation for delivering lectures drove Martin Luther to study the Scriptures in depth. Luther immersed himself in the teachings of the Scripture and the early church. Slowly, terms like penance and righteousness took on new meaning. The controversy that broke loose with the publication of his 95 Theses placed even more pressure on the reformer to study the Bible. This study convinced him that the Church had lost sight of several central truths. To Luther, the most important of these was the doctrine that brought him peace with God.
With joy, Luther now believed and taught that salvation is a gift of God 's grace, received by faith and trust in God 's promise to forgive sins for the sake of Christ 's death on the cross. This, he believed was God 's work from beginning to