How does Martin Luther view Christianity and how does it differ from the Roman Catholic Church?
Martin Luther wrote the ninety-five theses because he felt the Roman Catholic church was not being honest or just with the people in Europe. He was taken by surprise to see the dishonesty the church was telling the catholic people of the church. For since he became a monk he learned the truth of the bible and the church and when he returned to Germany he was determined to spread the truth. Martin Luther preaches to the people the ninety-five theses such as the indulgences they pay to the church do not exist and is nowhere written in the bible. Luther also mentions that the relics that are paid for or displayed are not
the real relics of Jesus. In the ninety-five theses he proclaims what religion and God really should be about, while the Roman Catholic Church withheld information of the bible from the people to extort more money and build more churches.