Critical Theory Today: A User Friendly Guide
Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following questions. You are welcome to work with a group of 3-4 people, but no more than that. When your group spots each answer, shout out the page number and provide a brief answer. Marxism-Chapter 3
1) Even if there are no true Marxist societies on Earth, what does Marxist theory “give” us in terms of interpretation?
Marxist theory gives a meaningful way to understand history and current events Pg.53
2) What would Marxist critics say about psychoanalytical theory?
They would say that because we focus on the individual psyche and its roots in the family complex, psychoanalysis distracts our attention from the real forces that create human experience: the economic systems that structure human societies. Pg.53
3) In Marxist terminology, what are economic conditions referred to as?
Material circumstances Pg.54
4) In what ways do differences in socioeconomic class divide people?
They are divided into the “haves” and “have-nots”, or simply stated, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Pg.54
5) Explain the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.
The bourgeoisies are those who control the world’s natural, economic, and human resources. They are considered to be the higher class.
The proletariats represent the majority of the global population that lives in poverty and those that always perform manual labor. They are considered the lower class. Pg.54
6) What is the aristocracy?
The “Aristocracy” represents those that are higher than the upper class. Usually, money is never a problem for them. People of the aristocracy can purchase things like mansions, limousines, airplanes, and yachts. Pg.55
7) What other forms of oppression keep the underclasses down? Provide some examples from real-life.
The neighbor hoods they live in
Increasing price on everything (i.e gas,