For this paper we were required to write about the life of a particular nursing leader. The purpose was to document about their lives and to include things like their backgrounds, credentials, and their influences on nursing. These women are considered some of the most influential people to nursing. But the most important questions are, “What exactly is a leader and what makes someone a leader?” As defined by Yoder-Wise (2011), “a leader is a person who demonstrates and exercises power and influence over others”. This is the essence of a leader and is the description of who Mary Adelaide Nutting was to nursing.
Mary Adelaide Nutting was born in 1858 in Ontario, Canada. (Boman, 2001). In 1889, Nutting enrolled at Johns Hopkins University after learning of their brand new nursing program. (Boman, 2001). During her two year career Nutting became witness to deplorable conditions for nurses. Therefore after graduation she began her work in growing and developing higher education for nurses and in hospitals. (Britannica, 2012). Becoming a nurse pioneer During her eight years at Hopkins she broadened the spectrum of nursing education. Her focuses for growth included an analysis of current conditions. During this review she noticed that nurses in schools were currently a means for cheap staffing in hospitals (Boman, 2012). That they were not receiving the proper clinical training they needed before they entered the workforce. When Nutting became principal of Johns Hopkins in 1895 she moved to change many of these conditions. She changed the amount of time students could be employed while in school, the length of nursing education from two-three years, and she helped to find scholarships for the needy nursing student. (Britannica, 2012). Her final “gift” to her alma mater was the founding of a professional library where research could be done.
References: John Boman, E. (2001). Mary Adelaide Nutting (1858-1948). Cambridge Dictionary Of American Biography, Retrieved from http://ehis.ebscohost.com.proxy.itt- Whitehead, D. K., Weiss, S. A., & Tappen, R. M. (2007). Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management Yoder-Wise, P (2011). Leading and Managing in Nursing. (5). St Louis: Elsevier