December 5, 2010
Humanities 100
Mary Cassatt is the artist chosen to be showcased in my museum exhibit. She is well known for her paintings of women and children. The way this exhibit will be set up is the growth of a child and the different daily activities a mother takes part in. A museum is going to play a role in how the exhibit is seen. It is important that the exhibit be planned out and organized to appeal to the visitors. Museums play crucial roles in our modern societies. The exhibit will showcase the joys of motherhood. The Bible says in Psalm 131:2 But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. A mother is thought to bond with …show more content…
This painting was done is 1888. The medium of the painting is Oil Paint on Canvas. This piece would go in the exhibit because it is one of the most important activities of the day. After a long day getting ready for bed is very relaxing. This painting stood out because closing the day with a good night kiss is a refreshing way to go to bed. Having someone especially a mother to tuck you in bed with a caring kiss can make anything feel better. Again the bond of a parent child relationship is shown. This gesture to so many may seem simple. A kiss goes a long way and it gives the child something to look forward too. The saying “sleep tight don’t let the bed bug bite” seems to go along with the good night kiss. This painting is important for the exhibit because as a mother a goodnight goes a long way even into …show more content…
This painting was done in 1897. The current location of the painting is the Detroit Institute of Art. The medium of this painting is Pastel on paper. This painting stood out because on a daily basis women are admiring children. Always on a stroll to the park or a trip to the grocery store children are being admired. This painting being in the exhibit will appeal to people especially woman because they can relate to complimenting and phasing children.
Baby Reaching For An Apple Aka Child Picking Fruit
This painting in a Private Collection. This painting was chosen for the exhibit because children are so curious about everything and it’s a mother’s job to explain. Children show curiosity in different ways and it is more important than ever for a parent to explain things to a child. In early childhood a child depends solely on what is being told to them. Young children believe the adults in their lives know a lot about everything. This painting makes a good selection to go last because it leaves a curious ending. It in a sense make people interested in what the artist has to say and potentially want to look more into the