English 101
Professor Papas
July 13th , 2014
Research Paper The human body has evolved into a fat-hoarding machine. Food that our bodies don’t immediately use for energy gets quickly stored as fat, and we convert this fat back into fuel for our brains and muscles when food is scarce. But, with our drive-through restaurants and jam-packed junk food aisles, this survival mechanism is wreaking havoc on our health. About 72 million Americans more than one-third of all adults are obese. The condition substantially increases the risk for a long list which includes ailments, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cancer and much more. But regardless of the reasons for the rise in obesity, maintaining …show more content…
The foods people eat tend to make them gain weight because while everyone is growing up they learn about the foods that are in their culture and they tend to always want to eat it over and over again, due to that being with how they were raised. However, some people may have never learned to eat in the right way that maintains a healthy diet for themselves. Which brings up her point of when Pollan kept saying that processed foods make people sick and fat. As everyone is learning about different foods they tend to want to maintain the bad foods and not the better foods, which is why Maxfeild wants to bring up her point of what she thinks is the best way to eat to help people not become …show more content…
Not only do we reject scientific findings, we favor, according to Maxfeild, “a perceptive that considers fatness fatal and thinness immortal.” The consequences of this perceptive for the way we live, Maxfeild shows, are serious. When Maxfeild states this point she is saying while it is true that an individual can be fat and healthy, It does not follow that that individual is healthy because their diet consists of Twinkies, soda and junk food. At any state someone can be healthy, but they are at more risk with their health depending on weight. One of the risks being diabetes when people are over-weight. The key to Maxfeild 's claim is healthy eating, being active and living a healthy