
Mary Warren In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Mary Warren In The Crucible By Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller's The Crucible, the character Mary Warren household maid at John Proctor house.In Act One Mary Warren is just this innocent girl who minded her business. She was also one the girls that had a met up in the woods when everything went to hell. As we were shown Marry Warren was the manipulative kind in act 1 but in Act 2 she changed, she was more involved because of the poppet. Mary wanted to tell the true story about what happened in the woods but she also does not want to do it because she’s worried about herself.

At the beginning of the play, Mary Warren was this nice little girl who would probably do as you say. She’s this likable little girl and then as you keep getting to know her, you come to find out that she’s a big scary

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