Personality Theories: Steve Domalik
PSY 250 Psychology of Personality
Instructor: Pamela Poynter
January 24, 2006 Maslow and Jung: Life and the Workplace
We work, strive, succeed, and sometimes we fail. What drives us to succeed, or in some cases keeps us from success? Perhaps a better understanding of our motives, and the motives of our colleagues would help us make the personality changes we need to succeed. The way we interact with others in the workplace and our personal life may be improved. The Freudian theories opened our minds to many of our odd behaviors but did little to provide methods of self-examination. Very few of us have the time and the funds available for in-depth psychoanalysis. The theories of Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow are interesting and, in certain respects, opposing. With study, introspection, and a better awareness of others, aspects of the theories of Jung and Maslow can be used by most individuals to improve their working and personal relationships.
Carl Jung was a younger colleague of Sigmund Freud but he made the exploration of "inner space" his life's work. Jung and Freud began to go their separate ways in 1909 even though Freud had once considered Jung his heir apparent, the "crown prince of psychoanalysis" (Boeree, 2006 Pg 3 ¶3). Jung had an extensive knowledge of mythology, religion, and philosophy. He was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions: Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala, Hinduism, and Buddhism. He had a capacity for lucid dreaming and occasional visions (Boeree, 2006).
Jung divided the psyche into three parts: ego, personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. The ego and personal unconscious are very much like Freud's understanding of the psyche; the collective unconscious was added to Freud's theories and stands out from all others. This part of the psyche represents our experiences as a species, a knowledge with which
References: Boeree, C. (2006). Abraham Maslow 1908-1970. Retrieved Jan. 22, 2006, from Personality Theories Web site: Boeree, C. (2006). Carl Jung 1875 -1961. Retrieved Jan. 22, 2006, from Personality Theories Web site: Heffner, C. (2002). Personality synopsis. Retrieved Jan. 22, 2006, from AllpsychON LINE, The Virtual Psychology Classroom Web site: