Mass society theory is an idea that media has strong influence towards people, it plays a role of shaping people’s mind and perception of the social world and it is also to manipulate people’s action with delicate, subtle and effective ways (Baran and Davis 2006, p.43). Mass society theory has first introduced in the nineteenth century when there are disruptive consequences caused by modernization (Baran and Davis 2006, p.52). At that time, mass media considered as a cause of social problems (Baran and Davis 2006, p.52). That was the yellow journalism era for mass newspapers (Baran and Davis 2006, p.52). For instance, newspapers irresponsibly give out information, probably some sensational information which directly influence people’s minds (Baran and Davis 2006, p.45), when there are social problems occurs based on influences made by yellow journalism, people might blame on the mass society, this is also what mass society theory criticizing about. Mass society theory has come out with six basic assumptions about individual, the role of media, and the nature of social change (Baran and Davis 2006, p.53). These assumptions talk about the influences of the media towards individuals; it shows how people’s minds are changed to the negative side. This paper is basically analyzing Malaysia society by using the mass society theory. Malaysia society will be analyzed based on the assumptions of mass society theory. The sources that used for analysis are news articles from The New Strait Times.
Six assumption of mass society theory Among the six assumptions, one of them says that “media have the power to reach out and directly influence the minds of average people” (Davis 1976 cited in Baran and Davis 2006, p.54). Average people here refer to the general public also known as the member of folk culture; average people are also portrayed as “being helpless before the manipulative power of media content” (Baran and Davis 2006, p.54). It means