Essay- Week 3
June 1, 2013
Jonathan Leach
In an ever changing society of mass communication media platforms, it is ever apparent how various corporations have used mass communications platforms for advertising and marketing to just wanting to get their name out there to mainstream America.
After reviewing many different websites, one will notice defined differences in all web sites that have evolved from the inception of the World Wide Web to today’s technological advances. Some of the very noticeable differences are the quality of the pictures, the detail of the products or messages delivered, the “vanillaness” of the older websites verses the newer ones. Taking it one step further is the way websites are programmed. What one time required thousands of hours to develop websites, it now can be done with the click or typing of a few command prompts.
Over the past few weeks we have learned a lot about the differences in products. In the professional world we call it convergence. You can see how the above mentioned items are prime examples of convergence. Some may simply say, “out with the old, in with the new”, however, I have a difference of opinion as without convergence, we would all still be in the ice ages when it comes to the world wide web.
One could take this even one step further by looking at how corporations survived in the era prior to the inception of the World Wide Web. It is simply amazing how through the evolution of technologies and convergence, how successful companies are that have not tried to fight the process.
In closing, from the simplicity of how data was presented, to today’s presentation of data in forms of script, streaming media, videos, interactive displays etc., it is a win win situation for any company that embraces the convergence and delivery methods via the World Wide