English 221
October 21, 2010 Mass Media Effects
The mass media has a great influence that could be harmful to younger generations, and the government or television/computer producers should make changes in their media so the influence does not affect the children of the future. “The best thing about the mass media is that it immediately provides us with the latest information about the things happening around us. Mass media reports news from all the fields such as politics, sports, international relations, wars, natural calamities, meetings, entertainment. (Charlie S., www.buzzle.com)
There are many pros in mass media, or positive effects. “Pros of Mass Media: The wide reach offered by mass media is phenomenal. It can target a global audience. Certain types of media have a loyal fan following. Television, movies, Internet and the radio are some of the best forms of entertainment. Mass media can be used for educational purposes in an effective manner.” (Kashmira Lad, www.buzzle.com) A great example of positive television is CNN. CNN is a national show that takes problems in the nation and tries to solve these problems by talking to officials involved with the situation. There are many other positive shows for children like shows on Nickelodeon and Disney. While some people speculate these shows may have some “hidden messages”, like movies “Aladdin” and “Cinderella” the shows are still for children and educate children.
There are many cons in mass media, or negative effects. “Cons of Mass Media: A particular event or a celebrity may receive undue importance and set wrong ideals before the youth. It may present a showy lifestyle, which may instill wrong ideals between young children. Misleading messages may again divert young minds towards a wrong path. Certain types of mass media such as newspapers or leaflets have a very short shelf life.” (Kashmira Lad, www.buzzle.com) One great example of the televisions negative shows includes “The Real World” and “Jersey Shore.” Both of these shows are about eight strangers that live in a house together in a popular city. These eight people show harmful behaviors, including going out to party and meet girls or guys. While there are more shows that are similar to these types of shows, they are shows that display the worst type of behavior. Shows like this are risqué most of the time. Shows like these effect children in a terrible way.
There are different effects on teenagers due to mass media. There are different causes of effects in the eyes of the youth. If the youth have no parental guidance, then the children can come across negative shows that can give them immoral behaviors. If the children do have parental guidance then that child will be watching shows age-appropriate. Another source of influence is music. Even though music can be censored, teenagers can find a way around it, and download it illegally. If this music has bad language, then kids can adapt the etiquette used in the song and use it in public, which can give a bad impression. “If managed properly, media can be effectively used to generate awareness amongst teenagers about issues like sex, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, drugs, alcohol and smoking. Glorification of unhealthy habits like smoking, drug abuse, unprotected sex and alcohol can encourage these habits in teenagers, which can permanently scar their lives.” (Uttara Manohar, www.buzzle.com)
Certain mass media has topics that can be threatening to youth but, there are also topics that can benefit youth that are age appropriate. Certain topics can lead to harmful behaviors, and certain topics can lead to good behaviors. Mass Media can be harmful, unless if, parents, the government, or even computer/television producers place certain restrictions to what can be aired on television or in the world of music.
Works Cited
S., Charlie. "Mass Media Effects." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 21
Jan. 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. .
Lad, Kashmira. "Pros and Cons of Mass Media." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. .
Manohar, Uttara. "Media Effects on Teenagers." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. .
Cited: S., Charlie. "Mass Media Effects." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 21 Jan. 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. . Lad, Kashmira. "Pros and Cons of Mass Media." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. . Manohar, Uttara. "Media Effects on Teenagers." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. .
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