In each of Newsom's documentaries, she explains heavily how media can have detrimental affects on both men and women. First of all, the misrepresentation of females in media does not only influence the way women view themselves, but how men view women, as well. Girls and boys both learn that a female's appearance is important, and while so many girls begin to struggle to obtain the "ideal body," several men begin to expect it (Newsom, 2011). Which is likely the reason why nearly 65% of all females have eating disorders at some point in their lives (Newsom, 2011). Many girls are so desperate to meet society's standards of beauty, they are willing to put their well-being at cost. On the other hand, media can have a similar affect on the way many see men. Strength and muscularity often becomes a priority for both girls and boys because media portrays it as a priority (Mulgrew, 2016). Body image, along with other factors, results in about 20% of teenage boys to struggle with depression (Smith & Davis, 2015). Media is constantly telling people what standards they should judge themselves by, but attempting to meet those standards can be harmful to one's …show more content…
These documentaries can really open your eyes to how influential media is on body image for boys and girls. Comparison with those represented in media is a common theme between the sexes, and it is safe to say that a majority of insecurities with one's body can somehow be rooted back to media. That being said, there is a solution to this upsetting issue. If people refused to accept standards set by society, and if they were to stop comparing themselves to one another, this world would be a far better place. Of course, the objectification of men and women is a major problem, and more people need to have their eyes opened to how damaging it can truly be. People all over the world believe that their worth comes from their appearance because that is what media has constantly been telling them. However, that is far from the truth. True worth does not come from what media defines as beauty; true worth comes from one's ability to love other people and one's ability to spread kindness through the world. Each of us needs to learn to accept others and to not judge them as society tells us we ought to. Audrey Hepburn once said "the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her