Another reason of advantage to distributed practice is the context of information is variable because of the time between retrieval, which encodes different contextual information. In contrast, massed practice context is similar as the information is crammed in one consecutive session and has no variability. This is known as contextual variability when the information is encoded in memory because of the surrounding context (Francisco, 2015). …show more content…
I try to stay away from massed practice because I never see much of a benefit in it. With a heavy load of classes, it can be difficult to routinely use distributed practice because you get overwhelmed with the amount of work required. However, it is my primary method of learning.
Advantages for using distributed practice is: it is good for gross motor skills, have multiple insistences to understand information, things forgotten from one session can be retrieved in another, and is less fatiguing (Woolfolk, p 309-310). Disadvantages could be that it may take longer to master a skill, may have to reintroduce idea’s after a break, can cause frustration and some break longer while working