People of all ages can log on 24/7 in search of whatever they need. The elderly woman who is unable to drive can log onto the Internet and shop for groceries, fill a prescription or even chat with her grandchildren via web cam.
Collectors no longer have to scour flea markets and yard sales on weekends to find coveted items to add to their collections all they have to do is log on to Ebay and post a bid. Anything can be purchased on line now. Clothing, Jewelry, Furniture...even take-out.
As a teacher I have found the Internet to be extremely useful in planning lessons. The web has a plethora of sites created specifically for teachers to share ideas, change information, and share documents (thanks enotes!). Perhaps young people stand to gain the most from using the Internet. In addition to being able to express themselves and show creativity on sites like MySpace and Twitter, they can also use the net for school projects and homework.
Still, for every pro, there is a con. I think that students sometimes rely too much in the internet. They don't seem to understand that just because something is on Google, that doesn't make it a reliable source. I cannot count the number of times a student has turned in an essay that contains incorrect facts from sites that have been created by someone who isn't an authority on the topic.
Chat rooms have become the new playground for sexual predators. The Internet gives them the anonymity they need to lure unsuspecting children into inappropriate conversations and in some cases meeting up with them. There are laws that keep predators away from parks and schools, but none keeping them off the Internet.
Without proper supervision, children can accidentally log on to pornographic websites. Even adults can fall prey to identity theft and stolen passwords if they