In the opening scene of Master Harold and The Boys, the mood is set by Willie a black man scrubbing the floor of the café he works in, he is also singing a song that indicates the mood of the play, the song he is singing isn’t a sad song but is isn’t happy either, which then leaves the audience wondering what the mood of the play might be. The relationship between Wille and Sam is established in the introduction. Sam is the other black man working in the café, for the white family that owns it. The position of the two characters on stage at the beginning of the scene gives the audience a clear idea of what kind of role they are going to perform. The dialogue between the two characters in the introduction showcases one of the underlying themes of violence in the play, when Wille talks about how he beats his wife. Although this theme of violence comes through in introduction one also gets an uplifted feel when the two characters, Sam and wily are dancing the quick step, which is also in the introduction. This then shows the audience there are almost two parts to the play, one being love issues, violence and later discrimination then on the other hand the happiness of dancing and when the son of the owners later enters there is joy and content, always leading from good to bad. The introduction conveys the themes of the play and the context leading its audience in the right direction.
The play starts with just Sam and Willy in the café alone. This is done because it gives you an idea of the themes that are going to be brought across during the play. The audience also notices through the set like the old fashioned tables and chairs the jukebox in the corner of the room from the 1960’s and the dress also