Department of Medialogy
Semester: MED 10 Title: Communication, empathy and nurturance and gameplay experience changes on ecosystems of mixed realities Project period: Spring 2010
Abstract: The pervasiveness of technologies drives users more towards anthropomorphist tendencies. Guided from the curiosity on the subject and the mind duality human-animal, this project has investigated how believability for human and animal agents express a qualitative communication, in relation to emotions. Using the theory for believability on humans and animals, is of an help on understanding how differently the intelligences and human capacities should act accordingly to other living beings aptitudes, expressed as differences on ways of playing and learning. Clever hypothesis can justify doubts on attributing intelligence to persons acting against a proper ecology of living beings, as it is the case for games with destructive goals – the example bloodsports. Living on a time period where technology is ubiquitous to our 24h/24 of the day, direct interactions tends to be reduced, giving more chance to phenomena of anthropomorphic interaction. With this hypothesis, interactions of users on computer games for simulations are proximal to the level of a natural interaction, while for the same action of playing that specific computer game involving an interaction between non-conspecific can be of training for understanding general attitudes of interaction with that creature. With the hypothesis that aggressiveness is an undesirable affective component, this thesis investigates the role of aggressiveness induction and gameplay experience changes within the same scenarios as lowering of quality of the overall other expressed emotions, and as contrasting the desirable altruism, good communication, empathy and nurturance, as it is expressed on pet caring.
Aalborg University Copenhagen Lautrupvang 15, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark Semestercoordinator: Stefania