I am writing my Master Thesis in Finance with the topic deal with stock price. This questionnaire consists of * question and should take 5 - & minutes to answer. In each question choose the alternative that best reflects your own opinion or experiences. Your answers will greatly help in contributing to the research on my thesis.
1) Where you can get information of the company that you will invest in its stock?
- Media
-Friends, Colleagues
-Others …..
2) Which factors that can affect stock market price? Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree
-Performance of internal company............................................................................................
- External Factor: Inflation, Interest Rate, Politic....................................................................
3) Before investment decision, Do you think financial statement is the most important source of information for investors?
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
4) In Financial Statement, which one you will pay attention most?
(Arrangement from 1 to 5 with 1: weak to 5: strong)
- Balance sheet.....
-Income statement....
-Dividend policy...
- Cash flow statement....
-Ratios and statistic...
5) In financial statement, which kind of ratio that can affect your investment decision most? (Arrangement from 1 to 5 with 1: weak to 5: strong)
- Profitability (ROCE, Gross Margin, Net Margin).....
- Liquidity (Current ratio, Acid ratio)....
- Efficiency (stock turnover, debtors/creditors collection period)....
- Capital structure (gearing ratio, Interest cover, Dividend cover)...
- Stock market ratio (EPS, PE, dividend yield)....
6) When