Question 1 .2 out of 2 points The standard form for the computer solution of a linear programming problem requires all variables to be to the right and all numerical values to be to the left of the inequality or equality sign Answer
Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: False . Question 2 .2 out of 2 points In a balanced transportation model, supply equals demand such that all constraints can be treated as equalities. Answer
Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: True . Question 3 .2 out of 2 points In a transportation problem, a demand constraint (the amount of product demanded at a given destination) is a less-than-or equal-to constraint (≤). Answer
Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: False . Question 4 .2 out of 2 points A systematic approach to model formulation is to first construct the objective function before determining the decision variables. Answer
Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: False . Question 5 .2 out of 2 points Product mix problems cannot have "greater than or equal to" (≥) constraints. Answer
Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: False . Question 6 .2 out of 2 points In formulating a typical diet problem using a linear programming model, we would expect most of the constraints to be related to calories. Answer
Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: False . Question 7 .2 out of 2 points When systematically formulating a linear program, the first step is
Selected Answer: Identify the decision variables
Correct Answer: Identify the decision variables . Question 8 .2 out of 2 points The following types of constraints are ones that might be found in linear programming formulations: 1. ≤ 2. = 3. >
Selected Answer: 1 and 2
Correct Answer: 1 and 2 . Question 9 .2 out of 2