In Malaysia, we often hear of motorcyclists involved in illegal racing. These motorcyclists are commonly known as “Mat Rempit”. Often, Mat Rempit consists of young people who seek adventure and are risk takers. Consequently they tend to be seen as a group that is often associated or involved in social phenomena which lead to the negative public reaction to them.
Please take some time (approximately 15 to 25 minutes) to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will provide important information that will help to reduce Mat Rempit activities and prevent the activities of Mat Rempit to become worse among Malaysian culture.
Please read each question carefully and answer it to the best of your ability. There are no correct or incorrect responses; we are merely interested in your personal point of you.
All responses to this survey are completely confidential. Do not write your name on the questionnaire. Please answer this section by putting a tick in the boxes. You may thick all that apply. 1) GENDER MALE FEMALE 2) RACE MALAY CHINESE INDIAN Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with each respective statement by circling ( ) your response. 1) The causes of Mat Rempit. AGREE DON’T KNOW DISAGREE a) Peer influence 1 2 3 b) Family Problems 1 2 3 c) Media Influence 1 2 3 d) Boredom 1 2 3 e) Financial problem