Inquiry Paper
Why am I inquiring?
Thesis\; is there match fixing in the Canadian soccer league?
Many people don’t even know about the CSL. It is the Canadian soccer league and IT
INCLUDES semiprofessional teams such a s ……………………………..
Match fixing is paying players or coaches to lose/win a game……………find a defn.
Next paragraph
What I think and why? I think this is a problem but am not sure if it is that big of a deal.
Write about why and why not it is an easy target? It is an easy target because it is a semipro league so nobody cares.
Write about match fixing allegations
CSA ‘s opinion
Sportsnet’s opinion
Mls’ opinions
What does match fixing mean for Canada?
Final paragraph: What I initially thought and what I think now. What have I learned? What can happen if there is match fixing or if there is not? Implications and make sure you answer the question: is there match fixing the canadia soccer league?
Lex McMillan
Mr. O’Hagan
December 19th, 2014
Match fixing in the Canadian Soccer League
In organized sports, a match being played to a completely or partially predetermined result is known as match fixing. This is not only a violation of the rules of the game, but often times against the law as well. Match fixing is most prevalent in soccer, with players, coaches and/or referees being paid large sums of money by gamblers to participate in it. This can be done by players underperforming, coaches making changes to the starting lineup so that their team is more likely to lose, or referees making harsh decisions in order to favour a certain team. The idea of such activities happening in Canada had not occurred to me, since the sport is not favoured in this country. It so happens that there is match fixing in