|M___ Membrane separating the contents of the nucleus from the rest of the cell |a. cilia |
|J___ Protein synthesis |b. microtubules |
|L___ Helps in animal cell division |c. lysosomes |
|E___ Contains DNA |d. mitochondria |
|N___ Regulates what enters and exits the cell |e. nucleus |
|D___ Converts food into useable energy |f. cytoplasm |
|N___ Lipid formation and protein modification …show more content…
Use the analogy of the cell as a manufacturing factory to describe the function of the following cell structures: plasma membrane, mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi, ribosomes, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum.
Plasma membrane - acts like a fence
Mitochondira – electrical source for factory, provides energy
Nucleus – manager of factory, the control center of it all
Golgi – distribution shipping department, send out the product to where it needs to go
Ribosomes – where the good/products made, could be considered a worker in factory, making the products
Endoplasmic reticulum – hallways in factory, used for travel of information and product
Lysosomes – a back up generator incase power goes out, the janitor/maintence man, and the delete button that can ultimately destroy the entire factory.
4. In adults, over 90% of all cancers are either adenomas or carcinomas. In fact, cancers of the skin, lung, colon, breast, and prostate are all in these categories. Which one of the four basic tissue types gives rise to most cancers? Why might this type of tissue be so susceptible to