Unfortunately, studies have shown that the longer a couple cohabitates before marriage or engagement the less likely they will be to marry. I have cohabited with one ex and the experience was amazing when we were happy and horrific when we were angry. The experience showed me that there are pros and cons to every living situation. It shed a neutral light onto cohabitation for me. I would not cohabitate with a partner again unless I am engaged to be married within a year’s time. I learned that I enjoy my space, the freedom to come and go as I please, and the ability to maintain my peace in my own personal space. It is not always easy doing those things when you have another person’s space to respect as well. I believe that the goal of cohabitation is marriage but the perception is often skewed. If you aren’t married you will not feel obligated to stay and you will run at the first sign of conflict. I believe marriage is a sacred thing and the coming together of two souls should be respected as such; however, in today’s society it is not. I do not plan on getting married soon because people are getting married solely for love and it is not a stable foundation. I would prefer to build with someone and have a firm foundation prior to marriage versus marrying someone and discovering all their financial debts and inadequacies once it is too
Unfortunately, studies have shown that the longer a couple cohabitates before marriage or engagement the less likely they will be to marry. I have cohabited with one ex and the experience was amazing when we were happy and horrific when we were angry. The experience showed me that there are pros and cons to every living situation. It shed a neutral light onto cohabitation for me. I would not cohabitate with a partner again unless I am engaged to be married within a year’s time. I learned that I enjoy my space, the freedom to come and go as I please, and the ability to maintain my peace in my own personal space. It is not always easy doing those things when you have another person’s space to respect as well. I believe that the goal of cohabitation is marriage but the perception is often skewed. If you aren’t married you will not feel obligated to stay and you will run at the first sign of conflict. I believe marriage is a sacred thing and the coming together of two souls should be respected as such; however, in today’s society it is not. I do not plan on getting married soon because people are getting married solely for love and it is not a stable foundation. I would prefer to build with someone and have a firm foundation prior to marriage versus marrying someone and discovering all their financial debts and inadequacies once it is too