Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false, explain why.
1. Probability is used as a basis for inferential statistics. 2. The height of President Lincoln is an example of a variable. 3. The highest level of measurement is the interval level. 4. When the population of college professors is divided into groups according to their rank (instructor, assistant professor, etc.) and then several are selected from each group to make up a sample, the sample is called a cluster sample. 5. The variable age is an example of a qualitative variable. 6. The weight of pumpkins is considered to be a continuous variable. 7. The boundary of a value such as 6 inches would be
5.9–6.1 inches.
Select the best answer.
8. The number of absences per year that a worker has is an example of what type of data?
a. Nominal
b. Qualitative
c. Discrete
d. Continuous
9. What are the boundaries of 25.6 ounces?
a. 25–26 ounces
b. 25.55–25.65 ounces
c. 25.5–25.7 ounces
d. 20–39 ounces
10. A researcher divided subjects into two groups according to gender and then selected members from each group for her sample. What sampling method was the researcher using?
a. Cluster
b. Random
c. Systematic
d. StratifiedBluman: Elementary
Statistics: A Step by Step
Approach: A Brief Version,
Fifth Edition
1. The Nature of Probability and Statistics
Text © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2010
11. Data that can be classified according to color are measured on what scale?
a. Nominal
b. Ratio
c. Ordinal
d. Interval
12. A study that involves no researcher intervention is called a. An experimental study.
b. A noninvolvement study.
c. An observational study.
d. A quasi-experimental study.
13. A variable that interferes with other variables in the study is called
a. A confounding variable.
b. An explanatory variable.
c. An outcome variable.
d. An interfering variable.
Use the best answer to complete these statements.