Infidelity is a sickness that can ruin relationships and tear families apart since it is a betrayal of the love that a husband entrusts in his wife and vice versa. In both fictional plays, Fences by August Wilson and Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, infidelity is a clearly evident theme as both of the protagonists, Willy and Troy, betray their wives and have relations with other woman. Both men have a sense that what they are doing is wrong, but both continue to do so anyway. The major difference between the two men is the manner in which they conduct themselves while being unfaithful. Willy Loman is discreet and tries to hide his affair from his wife, Linda. While Troy, on the other hand, is much more open about the idea, even telling his wife he was going to be bringing home a new baby from the other woman. In both plays, infidelity affects not only the two men, but their family, as well; as it breaks the already fragile bonds they have with their family and ultimately…