Date: 03.08.2013 In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further specific details regarding the course.
Course No. : MATH C241/MATH F211
Course Title : MATHEMATICS - III
Instructorincharge : M S RADHAKRISHNAN
Instructors : A Ramu, M S Radhakrishnan, TSL Radhika, P K Sahoo, K Venkata Ratnam, Manish Kumar, PTV Praveen Kumar, Sumit Kumar Vishwakarma 1. Scopes and Objective of the Course:
This Course reviews and continues the study of differential equations with the objective of introducing classical methods for solving boundary value problems. This course serves as a basis of the applications for differential equations, Fourier series and Laplace transform in various branches of engineering and sciences. This course emphasizes the role of orthogonal polynomials in dealing with Sturm-Liouville problems.
2. Text Book: Simmons G.F., Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, TMH Edition 2003, Twelfth reprint 2008
Reference Book: 1. Kreider D.L. and Others: An Introduction to Linear Analysis, A.W., 1966.
2. Shepley L. Ross: Differential Equations, John Willy & Sons, 1984.
3. Course Plan: (Sections/Articles refer to Text Book)
Lect No.
Learning Objectives
Home work (Pageproblems)
To introduce the classical methods to solve 1st order equations
First order eqns
Review & Self study
First order equations
All Pages 53-54
1 to 6, Pages 59-60
1 to 10, Page 61-62
Reduction of order
1 to 3, Page 65
1 to 50, Pages 75-76
To introduce the classical