Topic: Measuring Capacity Level: Grade - III I. Objectives:
At the end of the session, students are expected to: * Define Capacity * Know the difference of Liter (L) and millimeter (ml). * Know how to convert Liter (L) to millimeter (ml)
II. Subject Matter: Measuring Capacity
Reference: (1) Understanding Math Essentials 3 (pp. 357 – 360) Maria Theresa Garcia Capule Materials: III. Procedure: * The teacher will discuss the meaning and uses of the following measurements: * Capacity * Liter * Millimeter * The teacher will give examples of Liter and Millimeter * The teacher will show an example in how to convert Liter to Millimeter (ml). * The teacher will then randomly call one student to answer the given problems on the board. IV. Evaluation:
Answer the book (Understanding Math Essentials 3)
Understanding the Concepts and Skill Builders (pp. 358 – 359)
V. Assignment
Answer the book (Understanding Math Essentials 3)
Complete the following p. 359
Enrichment p.360
Bring Protactor
Subject: Math Date of Demo: Feb. 05, 2013
Topic: Basic Geometry Concepts and Terms Level: Grade - III 1. Objectives:
At the end of the session, students are expected to: * Know the different basic concepts of geometry * Define point, line segment, ray, degree and angles * To know and demonstrate how to use the protractor II.
Subject Matter: Basic Geometry Concepts and Terms
Reference: (1) Understanding Math Essentials 3 (pp. 365 – 372) Maria Theresa Garcia Capule
III. Procedure:
* The teacher will have an introduction on geometric concepts and terms * The teacher will discuss the meaning of each concepts and terms * The teacher will cite more examples by presenting drawings on a cartolina * The teacher will then demonstrate how to measure the angle by using