Math to me is very important because math is required in my major which is computer science. Also math is used in mostly every subject because it is a major aspect and needed necessity for our world today. Earth revolves around math because without it we would be really lost in the world. Math is the most important subject to me because it balances everything out and organizes everything. Also math helps all of the other subjects become a lot of simpler. Kids are starting to learn math at a very young age and they are getting introduced to early so that when they get older it will come a lot easier
There are a lot of ways with math such as multiplication, division and addition and subtraction. Those 4 are used daily by a lot of the human race. Sometimes I wonder where would we be without math and how would the world revolve we probably would not make it very far because we need math like we need air it’s a necessity and everywhere you go you see math so where would be or how would we operate without math things just would not be the same.
In my opinion math has helped me with a lot of things it has helped me understand things a lot easier and I like math because I like a challenge and every school year the math gets harder so I get challenged even more to understand and exceed with math but also I have to understand it if I am going to take up computer science as a major in that major you a going to be dealing with a lot of math and also science so of course it is going to be difficult but I am pretty sure I will come out victorious.