Many factors influence the low ability of Indonesian students' mathematical literacy. One is the difficulty in …show more content…
The seven fundamental mathematical capabilities used in framework PISA are Communication, Mathematizing, Representation, devising strategies for solving the problem, using symbolic, formal and technical language and operation, Using mathematical tools, Reasoning and Argument. Communication capabilities concerned about step for understanding, clarifying and formulating a problem. Mathematizing capabilities concerned about transforming a problem defined in the real world to mathematical form, or interpreting or evaluating a mathematical outcome or a mathematical model in relation to the original problem (OECD, 2016). Representation capabilities concerned about selecting, interpreting, translating between, and using a variety of representations to capture a situation, interact with a problem, or to present one's work. Reasoning and Argument capabilities involve logically rooted thought processes that explore and link problem elements so as to make inferences from them, check a justification that is given, or provide a solution to problems (OECD, 2016). Devising strategy for solving problem involves a set of critical control processes that guide an individual to effectively recognize, formulate and solve problems. Using symbolic, formal and technical language and operations involves understanding, manipulating, interpreting, and making use of symbolic expressions within a mathematical context …show more content…
Expert review stage is the stage where the researcher involves an expert to see the initial prototype instructional and then the expert determines the strengths and weaknesses of the instructional made (Tessmer, 1993: 47). At the expert review stage in this study, the questioning tool was validated by experts/experts by observing, evaluating and evaluating in terms of content, constructs, and language used.
Along with the expert review, researchers also tested individual students (one-to-one). In this study, researchers involved three students outside the subject of research. Selected students are 15-year-old students with different academic ability, ie. students with high, middle, low intellectual skills. At this stage the researcher observes the students as long as they do the questions, notes the comments from the students, deepens the students' comments, asks the students when they are doing/after the problem (Tessmer 1993: 70). The focus of this one-to-one evaluation is to get students' comments on the clarity of problem intent, suggest improvements, investigate the reasons for the difficulty in solving the problems created. The results of this expert review and one-to-one are used to revise the problem on prototype 1 which will then be obtained about prototype