Centre Number Surname Other Names Candidate Signature Candidate Number
General Certificate of Secondary Education
Information and Communication Technology
Unit 3 Practical Problem Solving in ICT
Candidate Booklet: Problem 2
Valid for examination in 2011, 2012 and 2013
It is recommended that you spend 25 hours in completing this problem. Before starting work on the problem, read the whole of this Candidate Booklet thoroughly. There are restrictions on when and where you can work on this problem. Your teacher will explain them to you. For example, you can only do any work that you intend to hand in for marking when a teacher is present, so that he or she can confirm that the work is your own. You must not work with other students on anything that you intend to hand in for marking.
Communicating your written work You will also be marked on your use of English. It is important to: - make sure that all your work is legible - use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar - use a style of writing which suits the person you are writing it for - organise your information clearly, so that you make yourself understood - use ICT terms where they are needed.
Unit 3: Practical Problem Solving in ICT Problem 2: Help to organise a school prom
Your school plans to organise a school prom for year 11 students. You are going to produce a solution to the problem but you can make up the data that you need.
1. Overview of the problem:
You must help the organiser of the year 11 prom by producing a practical ICT solution which will improve the organisation of the event. Your solution will contain several parts (see section 6). The prom always includes a restaurant meal. You must also explain what you have produced to the Headteacher of the school.
2. You must provide an ICT solution that will help the organiser: model the cost to students who are going to the prom. You will need to gather information in