Edexcel GCE
Core Mathematics C1
Bronze Level B1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Materials required for examination Items included with question papers
Mathematical Formulae (Green) Nil
Candidates may use any calculator allowed by the regulations of the Joint
Council for Qualifications. Calculators must not have the facility for symbolic algebra manipulation, differentiation and integration, or have retrievable mathematical formulas stored in them.
Instructions to Candidates
Write the name of the examining body (Edexcel), your centre number, candidate number, the unit title (Core Mathematics C1), the paper reference (6663), your surname, initials and signature.
Information for Candidates
A booklet ‘Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables’ is provided.
Full marks may be obtained for answers to ALL questions.
There are 11 questions in this question paper. The total mark for this paper is 75.
Advice to Candidates
You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled.
You must show sufficient working to make your methods clear to the Examiner. Answers without working may gain no credit.
Suggested grade boundaries for this paper:
1. Find .
January 2008
2. Find , giving each term in its simplest form.
January 2009
3. Expand and simplify (7 + 2)(7 – 2).
January 2009
4. y = 5x3 − + 2x − 3.
(a) Find , giving each term in its simplest form.
(b) Find .
May 2012
5. Find the set of values of x for which
(a) 2(3x + 4) > 1 – x,
(b) 3x2 + 8x – 3 < 0.
May 2013
Figure 1
Figure 1 shows a sketch of the curve with equation y = f(x). The curve has a maximum point A at (–2, 3) and a minimum point B at (3, – 5).
On separate diagrams sketch the curve with equation
(a) y = f (x + 3),