The film ‘Matilda’ directed by Danny DeVito released in 1996, is a film in which the principal, Ms Trunchbull, is depicted as an evil and malicious person through her intimidating appearance, unpleasant personality, the suspenseful lighting and lastly the unflattering camera angles.
To begin with, Ms Trunchbull’s intimidating appearance depicts her as an evil character, because of this, it clearly shows that she is the wicked character in this film. Her appearance does have an effect on the child and on people looking at her because Matilda states “looking at her, you get the …show more content…
Along with her dark harsh clothing, which is very unflattering, and old fashioned, she is the completely opposite to her niece, Miss Honey, who wears bright, fashionable clothes which makes her look like a nice and approachable person. Additionally, because Ms Trunchbull is such a cruel person to her students and to even her family, she makes every else in the movie seem nice, and as a viewer her appearance makes us feel as though she is a terrible person, and you wouldn’t want your child to be going to her school because of the ways she speaks, treats and handles her students, makes you scared of being around her, and scared to do anything when she is near. Therefore, the director, Danny DeVito, has rightfully used an intimidating appearance to illustrate Ms Trunchbull as an evil and malicious character.
Secondly, Ms Trunchbull’s unpleasant …show more content…
The medium shot is most commonly used as it helps us to understand her personality better, in other meaning, because this hot is of the waist above it shows us her body language and her appearance, and because she has terrible body language when talking to people, it shows that she has a disgusting personality, because she doesn’t really care, and the camera shot helps portray her appearance because, we are able to her face, what she wearing and what she looks and acts like in general. Extreme is used frequently throughout the movie, this shot makes her look bigger, and helps to express her anger, and helps us the understand better because, with it being closer to her face we are able to see she is angry, because we are able to see her facial expressions and the redness of her face. And so, by using things such as low camera angles, medium shot, or extreme close ups on Ms Trunchbull, it help depict her as an evil and