After using both languages, Microsoft Excel and MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory), on the same module experiments from 1 to 4, I observed the following:
* For Microsoft excel, * It uses spreadsheet application where each elements or data values are distributed in cells. * Most statistical computations are easy to solve due to the manner of data organization where data are inserted on cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-named columns. * It is easy to plot the selected values by just choosing the selected data then use the chart tools/design tab. * The Disadvantage of this language are as follows: * Difficulty in debugging the error * Limited set of statistical tools * In the case of excessively large results, Excel returns #NUM! instead of an answer * Inability to handle large datasets
* For MATLAB, * It uses matrix based algorithms hence each element or data values are treated in an m row by n column, such that a single integer is considered a matrix of one row and one column. * Manipulation of vectors is easily done by one command. * To plot, matlab needs to use certain algorithms which are compiled in an M-file. * The Disadvantage of this language are as follows: * Expensive wherein every single toolbox has to be paid due to its licensure * It uses a huge amount of computer memory; hard to use on slow computers. * Lack of audited calculations and workflow due to a lack of data structures and documentation outside of the code.
* Comparing both languages, * Both are interactive development environment. * No versioning, i.e most spreadsheet are single use, custom analytical tools, so as the programs. * Can create or built GUI. * Excel can create a nice audit trail that shows intermediate steps in calculations while Matlab can’t. * Excel computations are limited to a size of