Date of Examination : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENTRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…
Richard Harland’s World Shaker, describes some of the activities that take place on board the decks of the juggernaut, an oversized mechanical object that moves around the world over land and sea in competition for business and control. At this point in the story Colbert Porpentine the main character of this steam punk novel is with his Grandfather Sir Mormus Porpentine, touring the bottom decks of the juggernaut for the first time. Earlier in the novel when Riff, a fourteen year old Filthy girl on the run appears in Col’s room, he comes to realise that he has a no knowledge of his surroundings and of the other residents who live Below. Col becomes curious as to who they are and what they do. The next morning after Riff arrived uninvited, Col’s sister “Gillabeth, marched in” (p.10) to his room, gave a few orders and then Col began questioning her knowledge about the Filthies, but she didn’t know much either or wouldn’t give out any details. They both then attended the family breakfast. After Sir Mormus announced in front of the family that Col would become the next “Supreme Commander” (p.16), Col requested that he be shown the entire juggernaut, so that he could understand the complete workings of the vessel. The reason for Col’s request was not only to benefit his knowledge but also so that he could determine a safe way for Riff to return to Below, where she belonged. Sir Mormus agrees to take Col himself. After arrangements had been made and Col prepared himself, Sir Mormus guides Col down to the lower decks of the craft. Once on the lower decks Col observes from “viewing bay 17” (p.45) where he watches the Filthies working on the lower decks and Below.…
Most of the time when a person has a 4.0 GPA it is figured that that person is smart maybe doesn’t have to work hard for their grades, and probably a good test taker. Let me be the first to say this is not the case for me. In elementry school I read at grade levels far below where I was at, struggled with any sort of test, but especially timed math tests, and my grades reflected it. In fifth grade I was tested and scored at a second grade reading level, and I could not get passed the addition timed tests. Although I have never been formally diagnosed, I struggle with test anxiety. The problem with this is grades are greatly impacted on test scores.…
Before a child reaches school age they are entitled to free early year’s education from the early year’s foundation stage (EYFS). The aim of the EYFS is to ensure that all children under five benefit from a safe, secure and happy environment where they can play and develop, laying the foundation for success with the primary school curriculum. There are 6 key areas the EYFS are trying to combat and they are:…
Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want…
Greece has a climate all its own. Greece has fairly warm temperatures all year round and…
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be…
agreed ways of working is meant by all parties involving the individual, agreeing to the same arrangements. regular meetings and care plans to be regularly updated, the individuals care plan is an agreed ways of working, as it been discussed and documented down, for example the said individual is a lady, she needs full care, and takes two care assistants to assist, she also doesn't weight bear well, so she needs a standing aid, they are agreed ways of working. also polices and procedures are an agreed ways of working.…
All children in England aged 5 to 16 are entitled to free education at a state…
With advancements in technology, some students have chosen to complete their schoolwork through the Internet, rather than in traditional classrooms. Those who support a traditional classroom approach to learning argue that it provides more of an opportunity for students to interact with the teacher and other students. Those who feel that learning over the Internet is better argue that it allows students to learn anytime and anywhere they choose. Do you feel education is better provided in traditional classrooms or when offered over the Internet? Write an essay to be read by a classroom teacher in which you persuade the reader that either traditional classroom education or Internet-based learning is better. With advancements in technology, some students have chosen to complete their schoolwork through the Internet, rather than in traditional classrooms. Those who support a traditional classroom approach to learning argue that it provides more of an opportunity for students to interact with the teacher and other students. Those who feel that learning over the Internet is better argue that it allows students to learn anytime and anywhere they choose. Do you feel education is better provided in traditional classrooms or when offered over the Internet? Write an essay to be read by a classroom teacher in which you persuade the reader that either traditional classroom education or Internet-based learning is better. With advancements in technology, some students have chosen to complete their schoolwork through the Internet, rather than in traditional classrooms. Those who support a traditional classroom approach to learning argue that it provides more of an opportunity for students to interact with the teacher and other students. Those who feel that learning over the Internet is better argue that it allows students to learn anytime and anywhere they choose. Do you feel education is better provided in traditional classrooms or when offered over the Internet? Write an…
The educational system is known to have its problems. Although every school is different they all have similar teaching methods. Individuals are either taught to think critically or to think a certain way. In the "Banking Concept of Education" by Paulo Freire,he talks about how our thinking ability is taken away and argues that we should have the ability to take control of our lives and think critically. Freire demonstrates this by showing us two educational systems the "banking concept" and the "problem-posing" system. By approaching these two methods he provides us with his solution on how to think freely, critically and individually.…
Why did you wake up this morning? Is there a specific reason? Life is full of activities and experiences. It is important to examine why we partake in these activities and deliberately place ourselves in specific situations. I have made the choice to pursue an education because it will help my career, it will make me a better person, and I believe it is a goal everyone should pursue. I have started on a certain career path and education is a vital part of my success. Enhancing my available skills should make life in general less challenging. Building a strong foundation and continuing to add to it should serve me long into the future. First I have to examine why I made the decision to begin taking college classes.…
Community schools are run and owned by the LEA. They employ the staff, decide upon the admissions policy and own the building and surrounding land, which they may use to provide facilities for adult learning or childcare. This helps…
In her recent work, A Lifetime of Student Debt? Not Likely, Robin Wilson claims that “Despite stories of a large number of students who face debt, a third of graduates leave college with no debt at all for their education” (257). In other words, Wilson states that most people borrow a reasonable amount of money, they pay it back, and they are better off for having gone to college. Even in this economy, college graduates are much better off than high-school graduates.…
Someone approached me to teach his ward some mathematics or rather to supplement what could not be comprehensively deciphered from the notes from the plethora of private tutors (I don't know whether the notes are photocopies of age-old yellowish original manuscripts written in the last century and passed on from generation to generation). I am not blaming the notes or their authors rather I have the highest regard for both.…