Jennabelle Jo Andrews-Alexander
|Theoretical Model |Description of Theoretical Model |Type of health care change situation where |
| | |model best applies |
|EXPECTANCY THEORY |Expectancy Theory suggests that for any |This theory works when a health care |
| |given situation, the level of a person’s |company is looking for ways to improve |
| |motivation with respect to performance is |retention and employee satisfaction. The |
| |dependent upon (1) his or her desire for an|company would strive to achieve maximum |
| |outcome; (2) that the individual’s job |satisfaction and minimize dissatisfaction |
| |performance is perceived to be related to |of their employees. The theory focuses on |
| |obtaining other desired outcomes; and (3) |the expectations and perception and |
| |the perceived probability that his or her |emphasizes rewards or pay-offs. The |
| |effort will lead to the required |expectancy theory seems to be idealistic |
| |performance (Borkowski, 2005). This theory |because quite a few individuals perceive a |
| |states that an employee’s motivation is an |high degree correlation between performance|
| |outcome of how much an individual wants a |and rewards; however the application of |