The Maverick Lodging case concerns the initial results of installing a new, comprehensive performance review system. As a consultant to Maverick Lodging and the Marriott Corporation, your task is to evaluate the efficacy of the new performance evaluation system. Your direct point of contact is Ms. Cindy Baum who was responsible for managing the rollout of the new performance evaluation system.
Assignment Value
10 % of your grade
• Point of View: Your team will act as consultants to Cindy Baum, the Vice President of Asset Management at Maverick Lodging. You are to help prepare her for her meeting with her boss, Robert Sandlin, President and CEO of Maverick Lodging to discuss the results for 1999 and to assess the balanced scorecard framework as both a measurement system and management system. Presentation Format Your presentation will cover the following areas: 1. Background: The team needs to succinctly explain the purpose of your recommendations. It answers the question: “Why are we all here?” 2. Analysis: This section contains your analysis of the case using concepts from your readings. 3. Problems: What problems or issues did you identify from your analysis? How would you define Maverick Lodging’s problems? 4. Solutions: What are your recommendations based on your analysis? They should be based on your analysis. Also, why are these recommendations superior to other alternatives? 5. Action Plan: This section summarizes your follow-up steps for management and your team.
Wednesday, November 18: Morning Session 1. Each team must submit three copies of its presentation at the beginning of class Wednesday, November 18. Teams should plan on being in class at 8.45 am and be prepared to load presentations onto the class computer right away. Presentations will start at 9.00am. 2. Each team should clearly identify itself on the presentation. That is, you must put both your generic and creative team