Karl Emil Maximilian Weber (Max Weber) was born in Erfurt, Germany on April 21, 1864. Max Weber was one of the greatest sociologists of the twentieth century, a founding "father" of modern sociology; he was also a historian and a philosopher (Asiado, 2008). Weber deeply influenced social theory, social research and the study of society itself. His wide ranging contributions gave incentive to the birth of new disciplines such as economic sociology and public administration as well as a significant change of direction in economics, political science, and religion. Weber’s most inspiring work was focused on the study of religion, bureaucracy, and rationalization (Asiado, 2008). He was assigned as professor of political economy at the University of Freiburg in 1894 and at Heidelberg University in 1897. He suffered from a mental breakdown in 1898 after his father died and did not continue his academic works until 1904 (Asiado, 2008). In 1907, Weber received a family inheritance which enabled him to continue his work as a private scholar. Max Weber died of pneumonia on June 14, 1920 (Smith, 2001).
Max Weber was mainly interested in the reasons behind the employees’ actions and in why people who work in an organization accept the authority of their superiors and obey the laws of the organization. Since authority and power can be used interchangeably, Weber was able to uniquely define these two terms. According to Weber, power forces individuals to comply with the rules and regulations in place and therefore power influences people to act or do something they would not have done (Cutajar, 2010). As opposed to power, Weber defined legitimate authority involved the individual’s consent that authority is practiced upon them by their superiors. According to Weber, there are three distinct types of legitimate authority. Cutajar states the first being traditional authority, this type of authority’s legitimacy arises from tradition and religious beliefs;
Bibliography: http://telasiado.suite101.com/max-weber-biography-a54103 (31 Oct, 2011) Coser http://www.bolenderinitiatives.com/sociology/max-weber-1864-1920/max-weber-person (31 Oct, 2011) Coser http://www.bolenderinitiatives.com/sociology/max-weber-1864-1920/max-weber-bureaucracy (31 Oct, 2011) Cutajar, Maureen http://maureencutajar.suite101.com/max-weber-bureaucracy-theory-a267433 (31 Oct, 2011) Shortell, Timothy http://www.brooklynsoc.org/courses/43.1/weber.html (31 Oct, 2011) Smith, Jason http://www.6sociologists.20m.com/weber.html (31 Oct, 2011)