938 Aurora Boulevard, Cubao, Quezon City
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Completion of the Subject Electric Circuits 1 – DC Circuits, with the analysis project entitled:
Maximum Power Transfer to a Load Analysis
Submitted by: Jerome Isidera
Submitted To: Engr. Jurieve R. Bagay
September 7, 2013
I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my professor in Electric Circuits – 1, Engr. Jurieve Bagay, who has an attitude of and a substance of a genius: for his excellent guidance, caring, patience, and providing me with an excellent atmosphere for doing a research. He made me grow in terms of intellectual, emotional and even in my spiritual life. To my mother, Dalisay, who has been a source of encouragement and inspiration to me throughout my life, a very special thank you for providing a “writing space” and for nurturing me through the years. And also for the myriad of ways in which, throughout my life, you have actively supported me in my determination to find and realize my potential, and to make this contribution to our world. I would also like to thank my father, my sister, elder and youngest brother. They were always supporting me and encouraging me with their best wishes. To my friends – Pamela, Arvin, Andrea, Cherry and to Ale Alex who inspired me in times that I struggle in the problems that I am facing. They are good friends who are always willing to help and give their best suggestions. It would have been a lonely semester without them.
To the staff and the librarians of Technological Institute of the Philippines’s Library, who are always there to help every student in the campus who is eager to learn new things by exploring new ideas from books and other reading materials. To the members of the Presentation of Our Lord Parish Youth Ministry for they
References: Fowler, R. J., 2008. “Electricity: Principles and Applications.” McGraw Hill International Edition, Seventh Edition Tan, JC. , 1990. “Electric Circuit Analysis.” National Bookstore Roadstrum, W.H., 2000. “Electrical Engineering for all Engineers.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Second Edition N/A. (2013). Electrical Engineering. In Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Retrieved September 6,2013, from http://www.electrical4u.com/maximum-power-transfertheorem/. Wayne Storr. (September 2013). Electronics-Tutorial. In Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Retrieved September 6,2013, from http://www.electronicstutorials.ws/dccircuits/dcp_9.html. N/A. (June 11,2010). Digilent. In Maximum Power Transfer. Retrieved September 6,2013, from http://www.digilentinc.com/Classroom/RealAnalog/text/Chapter_1p7p5.pdf 25 Personal Values Learned and Personal Reflection I absorbed so many moral values from which I encountered from making this analysis report. A one and a half week of preparation serves as a milestone because of the new learning that I achieved. It took me a lot of trials and errors in solving circuit problems but I never thought of giving up. Even my patience was tested. For that allotted time, I felt the pressure in finishing every parts of the project. From then, I learned on how to manage my time wisely. I was able to control myself which leads me to do some research about the specified topic instead of spending my time with my friends doing nothing. I also learned on how to discipline myself and be more matured. As time goes by, I just realized that I become more productive and confident of myself. As a generalization, I learned a lot of good values unknowingly, in those times that I was doing that very challenging but fun circuit analysis. 29 Self-Evaluation, Teacher Evaluation and TIP Community Evaluation Self-Evaluation For the three years of studying in Technological Institute of the Philippines, I have been molded as student with passion and eagerness to learn new things every time. I have learned how to discipline myself and to manage my time wisely. Teacher Evaluation My professor, Engr. Jurieve Bagay has been a very good teacher to his every class. He doesn’t just teach his students about the lessons based on the books but he also teach his student about what life really is. He gave examples and teachings that you may apply in the real life. TIP Community Evaluation Technological Institute of the Philippines- Quezon City is well place or environment to study. It has been training ground for future engineers before going to the industry. It has a highly qualified and excellent teachers and engineers working in hand to mold its students into success.